£5 tickets to 3 Choirs

Three Choirs Festival is offering £5 tickets to festival-goers aged 10 to 25.

The Youth Membership scheme, new for 2023, is free to sign up for and gives young people the chance to get into talks, late night and concerts for a fraction of the full price.

This year they’re available from June 22nd - exactly one month before the 2023 festival gets underway in Gloucester. 

Note the small print - you’ll need ID as proof of age on the door, and tickets are mainly for side aisle and transept seats, which means you’ll need to ask for an upgrade if you’re hankering after front row seats.

For more information and to register head to the Three Choirs website.

Three Choirs rotates around the cathedral cities of Hereford, Worcester and Gloucester, and is back in Hereford in 2026.

Tickets for the Gloucester festival, which this year is celebrating scientific pursuits, are on sale now. Programme highlights include Marcus Davidson’s Standing Waves, a multimedia fusion of recorded natural sounds; a light night performance by all-women cathedral singer group, the Lady Clerks; Scottish Highlands and folk-group Coracle; and 21 premieres of new works.

Image shows multicoloured zig zag and irregular circle shapes which go around the text Youth Membership